Välittäkää tietoa myös eteenpäin.
"This second newsletter from NNCORE reports on the founding network meeting at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense on October 27-29, 2011. As you will see, the meeting went very well, and the network members have now starting working in thematic groups, preparing for the first NNCORE anthology and joint research projects more generally. We will keep you informed through these newsletters.NNCOREn kotisivut löytyvät täältä: http://www.sdu.dk/en/Om_SDU/Institutter_centre/Ihks/Forskning/Forskningsnetvaerk/NNCORE. Siellä komeilee myös allekirjoittaneen naama.
NNCORE is open to new members. The requirements to become a member are that you are involved in some way with the study of comics and comics research, and either belong to a Nordic institution or study Nordic comics. You are welcome to contact Anne Magnussen, magnussen(at)hist.sdu.dk if you have any questions in this regard or if you would like to sign."
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